Parramatta Toastmasters Club

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Hall of Fame

Speech Contests

(See also Hall of Fame - Leadership)

Names highlighted in Yellow went on to win the Western or Cumberland Division Contest

Names highlighted in Green won their Division contest and went on to win the District Contest


Club Speech Contest Winner Club Humorous Speech Contest Winner
Gary Wilson Trophy
Club Evaluation Contest Winner Club Table Topics Contest Winner Peter Poulson Memorial Award for Best Speech of the Year
For a list of winners with speech titles, click here
2023-24 Anu Vijayan Anu Vijayan Vicki Sheehan Vicki Sheehan Vicki Sheehan
2022-23 Anu Vijayan Anu Vijayan Anu Vijayan Anu Vijayan Anu Vijayan
2021-22 Anu Vijayan Rob Tibbertsma Vicki Sheehan David Griffiths Anu Vijayan
2020-21 Gary Wilson Vicki Sheehan Ron Marriott Ron Marriott Matt Tonkiss
2019-20 Vicki Sheehan Michael Fong Ron Marriott Vicki Sheehan Vicki Sheehan
2018-19 Vicki Sheehan Vicki Sheehan Vicki Sheehan Matt Tonkiss Vicki Sheehan
2017-18 Vicki Sheehan Vicki Sheehan Vicki Sheehan Vicki Sheehan Elizabeth Wilson
2016-17 Anu Vijayan David Griffiths Vicki Sheehan David Griffiths Gary Wilson
2015-16 Monique Tonna Monique Tonna Alicia Denis (Leise) Monique Tonna Tom Woods
  David Griffiths, representing another club, won the District 70 contest     Ron Marriott, representing another club, won the District 90 contest  
2014-15 David Griffiths Ian Lipski Ron Marriott Alicia Denis (Leise) David Griffiths
2013-14 David Griffiths Michael Said Michael Said Monique Tonna David Griffiths
  Tom Cummins, runner-up to David Griffiths, won Area 13 and Western Division while        
  David Griffiths, representing another club, won the District 70 contest        
2012-13 David Griffiths Monique Tonna Alicia Denis (Leise) David Griffiths Monique Tonna
2011-12 Sam Ekinci David Griffiths Alicia Denis (Leise) Wendy Nielsen (Lipski) Simon Chhoeu
2010-11 David Griffiths Ferdie Oosterhoff Alicia Denis (Leise) David Griffiths David Griffiths
2009-10 Sam Ekinci David Griffiths David Griffiths David Griffiths Linda Snalam
2008-09 John Nichols Kate Linklater David Griffiths David Griffiths Suben Subenthiran
2007-08 Wikrom Tang Wikrom Tang David Griffiths David Griffiths Cheryl Piper
2006-07 Sue Mitchell Ivan Popowski David Griffiths Sue Mitchell Gary Wilson
2005-06 Glenn D'Cruz Cristian Sylvestre Dilshan Perera Kirsten Linklater Cristian Sylvestre
Demian Coorey, runner-up to Dilshan Perera, won Area 13, Division and District
2004-05 Ron Marriott Adrian Dolahenty Michael Said Ron Marriott Suben Subenthiran
2003-04 Michael Said Michael Said Michael Said Robyn Peck Peter Poulson
2002-03 Glenn D'Cruz Cristian Sylvestre Glenn D'Cruz Keith Wolfson Robyn Peck
2001-02 Tom Ware Demian Coorey Cristian Sylvestre Steve Wieczorek
2000-01 Helen Kennedy Demian Coorey Helen Kennedy Brett Davidson Peter Poulson
1999-00 Charles Rickards Brett Davidson Vicki Woodger David Kelly
1998-99 Charles Rickards Sue Deaves Helen Kennedy  
1997-98 Charles Rickards Les Plumridge Suzie Johnson  
1996-97 Charles Rickards Greg North Vicki Woodger  
1995-96 Donna Regalado Vicki Woodger David Kelly  
1994-95 Vicki Woodger Keith Wagner David Kelly  

Peter Poulson was a popular member, tragically murdered together with his grandchildren Marilyn and Sebastian while trying to save their lives.

1993-94 Charles Rickards Rex Baker David Kelly  
1992-93 Rex Baker Charles Rickards Elizabeth Wilson  
1991-92 Rex Baker Rex Baker Jon Goris  
1990-91 John Miller Michael Benson Rod Downs  
1989-90 Bob Hince Michael Benson Ken Rennie    
1988-89 Bob Hince Fred Brown Phillip Allan    
1987-88 Bob Hince Rex Baker Bob Hince    
1986-87 Bob Hince Rex Baker Ken Rennie    
1985-86 Ken Rennie Rex Baker Clive Warren-Smith    
1984-85 Bob Hince Rex Baker Allan Murray    
1983-84 Harry Hyland Archie Barclay Ken Rennie    
1982-83 Bob Hince Peter Lee Harry Hyland    
1981-82 Bob Hince Bob Hince Allan Murray    
1980-81 Bob Hince Brian O'Brien Gary Wilson    
1979-80 Archie Barclay Bob Hince Gary Wilson    
1978-79 David Williamson Bob Hince      
1977-78 David Williamson Archie Barclay      
  Jerry O'Donovan, runner-up to David Williamson, won Western Division and District. Chris Cunliffe-Jones, runner-up to Archie Barclay, won Western Division.      
1976-77 David Williamson Gary Wilson
1975-76 Gary Wilson Paul Keighery      
1974-75 Keith Dank David Williamson      
1973-74 Gary Wilson Keith Dank      
1972-73 Keith Dank Gary Wilson      
1971-72 Eugene Koeppen        
1970-71 Gary Wilson        
1969-70 David Goodrich        
1968-69 Keith Dank        
1967-68 Roy Brough        
1966-67 David Osten        

Club Speech Contest Winners who have won the District 70 Speech Contest have been David Williamson (1977), Jerry O'Donovan (1978, substituting for David Williamson at Area level upwards), Bob Hince (1989, 1990) and David Griffiths (2011, 2015). Jerry (1978) and Bob (1989) also won the Inter District Speech Contest and participated in the World Final in the USA, Bob finishing as Runner Up.

Club Evaluation Contest Winners who have won the District 70 Final have been Gary Wilson (1980), Clive Warren-Smith (1985), Bob Hince (1987), Elizabeth Wilson (1992), Demian Coorey (2006, runner-up at Club level but participating as one of 2 allowed representatives at Area 13) and David Griffiths (2010).

Club Humorous Contest Winners who have won the District 70/90 Final, receiving the Parramatta Trophy originally donated to District 70 by Parramatta Club in 1972 and upgraded to the Gary Wilson - Parramatta Trophy in 1983 and then passing to District 90 in 2015, have been Wikrom Tang (2007), and David Griffiths (2009, 2016)

See also Hall of Fame - Leadership