Parramatta Toastmasters Club

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Future programs:

See the programs for future meetings and notes from the Vice-President Education.


See the minutes of the last meeting.


See the current issue of the Club newsletter, the "Parra-Natta".

See archive of older issues.

Assignment Guide:

See our online guide to
the performance of meeting assignments

Club Podcasts

Listen to our Podcasts on Leadership Journeys.

Club Blog:

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Next Meeting


See Meeting Dates and Themes for this term.

Mission of our Club

We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.

Online Guide to Meeting Assignments

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Useless facts

Purpose   Tick  The object is to deliver a presentation which maintains audience attention utilising material which is otherwise of no real benefit.
When preparing Tick  Devise a mini-speech that links your useless facts together in an interesting presentation.
Tick  The information should be of no benefit and can be humorous, hard to believe, from left field or whatever. The only other requirement is that it must be true
  Tick You can add greater impact by linking your facts to the meeting theme.
  Tick As with all assignments, prepare and rehearse to ensure correct timing.
Before the meeting begins  Tick  Inform Chairman 1 of your title, and how you would like him/her to introduce you.
What to do during your assignment Tick You may need to use notes for this assignment, especially where numbers are involved. The challenge is to use them well, without over-relying on them.
Tick  Deliver the mini speech with due regard to pausing for impact, and to give people a chance to absorb the material. It is best to maintain a serious outlook for this useless information.
  Tick  When you are finished, hand back to Chairman 1.
    That is the end of your assignment. You will be evaluated by the General Evaluator
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